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Sharing the Love

Writer's picture: AWU UKAWU UK

Updated: Dec 16, 2018

Early in 2018 Neil and Dan went back to Uganda to share the Love of Jesus. What better way than to get out the table and brew the tea for all who wanted to join in - sharing fellowship over food and drink with young and old, at the table or on the floor or in the cafe - while Dan paints the scene. The children painted on the back sharing their perspective.

" important day team feast, first table [church] event. Dan starting painting of last supper."

" Pancakes, tea, praise.... looks like an amazing day! "

" Wonderful time seeing old and young well and sick rich and poor coming together"

"Dan’s painting / and the children painted on the back! " "The lady’s loved their blankets they all live high up in the mountains where it is cold at night, they will be well used" "The boys and girls brigade were presented with a bike, with love from 1st Ash Vale Scouts "On the prayer mountain that Ben built in 1997 still being used for prayer. Jethro helped him."

Sharing the love of Jesus in the office, with the team and their families, in the church, blessing the new pit latrine and the wonderful men who build it and last but by no means least sharing love with Jesus as Dan gets baptised in Lake Victoria.

What wonderful blessings.

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