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Women's Groups 

Microfinance. We started in 2006 with 8 women's groups. Each group was given 6 months training on book keeping, managing money and starting small businesses before their first small loan.

In 2019 there are 42 women's groups supported by AWU and as many shadow groups. Read some of the stories here


Street Children

From a group of neglected orphans living in a tree to a team of responsible, skilled adults with employment and – in some cases – a new faith in God, our oldest street children have graduated. Work begins with a new group of young boys. Read more on our blog here


Good Samaritan

Currently young people are being trained in vocational skills of tailoring and hairdressing. Plans are underway to expand the type of skills offered.

In June 2019 24 students graduated.

Read more on our blog here


Kasese Library and Garden 

Library for students, women's groups and the people of Kikonzo. Internet cafe and office for the Amahawe Uganda NGO. A newly acquired plot of land attached to the library is our latest project and is now called The Garden of Eden. Read more on our blog here

From 2019 Amaha We Uganda will be focusing on 4 projects represented by a hand. Each project will be represented by a finger and will be underpinned by Mission, the thumb.

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A Grace Ministry for a Moses Like Generation

This project started with William's vision to support vulnerable orphans in his area of South Rwenzori. William shared his vision with Rev Ian Smale. 

To begin with William's vision of supporting 100 students was unrealistic because of funds but  Ian could see the way to start small. 

A Grace Ministry is a restricted fund and  money donated to this project will only be spent on the support of the chosen students. Amaha We Uganda embrace Ian's project under their umbrella. Click  here to find out more about A Grace Ministry.

From late 2019 until the present a major focus has been on tree nurseries, training and tree planting.

Click on to learn more



Amahawe Uganda has been visiting schools in Kasese, Kajwenge and Kapatunda since 2005.

There have been links to UK schools and exchanges of lessons as well as visits from UK teachers. Members of the AWU team in Uganda have also visited UK schools.

Pupils at Darley Dene Primary School in Addlestone have raised funds to supply pencils, chalk and some text books for schools in South Rwenzori.

Currently we do not have any particular links or projects with schools other than relationships.


 Read more on our blog here


Water & Sanitation

 It began with Stephen's Well

A new toilet facility is now finished at St Peter's, Nyakasanga with a sanitation tank for hand washing. (photos)

AWU has also contributed to small irrigation project in Kajwenge. (photos)

Read more on our blog here 

Currently there are no further water projects under consideration.



More than 2 million women & children die each year from diseases caused by wood smoke.

That’s 1 person every 15 seconds!

 Fuel Briquettes are cheaper, safer, cleaner and more efficient than using wood charcoal or firewood for cooking.

Read more on our blog here 

Currently there are no further plans for this project. The Bwera Women's Groups make briquettes for their own use.

​​Call us:


​Find us: 

The Gables, 6 Hare Hill Close, 

Pyrford, Woking. GU22 8UH


Charity number​  1150774

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