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A Plea to develop the library building in Kikonzo

Writer's picture: AWU UKAWU UK

Updated: Nov 30, 2018

Why here? Over the past 10 years, Kasese town has seen a fast growth from a Town Council to a Municipal Council. People want to stay in Kasese due to the many employment opportunities resulting from the industrial growth in Kasese town (Kasese cobalt factory, Hima Cement factory, lime mining, Electric power generation and recently the revival of Kilembe mines.) As a result of the high influx of population, new residential areas have grown up and most of the available services are not capable of serving the growing population in Kasese Municipality. Kikonzo Zone Railway Parish, where our Library is located, is one of the newly developing parts of Kasese Municipality.

With a high population and located about 2 kilometres from the town centre, the people in this area do not have access to a number of services including communication.

There are also a number of schools that have opened within this area and are not financially able to install internet services within their premises. Yet these schools would benefit greatly from the service, enabling them to communicate with their various stake holders, to develop such schools. It would be so good for us to bring the service near them so they will be in a position to access the internet when they need to. If the internet café is set at our library many students would be in position to down load information both during school days and in holidays. This would help them get more guidance in addition to what they read from the books in the library. The internet facility will be accessed by both students and general public.

For maintenance purposes and control over accessibility, the service shall be accessed at an affordable fee depending on the market price and need of the various categories of people. There will be links with local schools that will only be able to access the service at the premises of Amaha We Uganda.

We have a building with a perimeter wall which has been built for security. There is a toilet behind the building. We have books in the local language, currently being stored in the office as the building is not ready. Most of the floor is concreted and the walls plastered and shelves up. We still need to have a ceiling put in as the books and computers would get too hot under the metal roof. The smaller room, which would be the Amaha We office, needs plastering and the floor finishing. There needs to be another electricity pole put in to bring electricity from the next nearest pole. The building needs electrical wiring. The compound needs gates. When the building is completed we need computers and furniture.

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