Bob is one of our street boys who decided to use his talents to better his life. He had been taught how to make shoes and, realising he was good at it, decided to set up a shoe making ‘business’ in Kasese. The Ugandan team saw his talent and invited him to go to the mountain village of Kajwenge to train boys, with few prospects, to make shoes as part of The Good Samaritan Project. Proving a highly successful venture Bob now spends time divided between training in Kajwenge and running his business in Kasese.
During our visit in February 2013 he taught Tamsin and Tina how to make shoes.
We spent a wonderful evening in the yard at Benjamin’s sharing stories, singing and dancing with Bob, Jethro , Benjamin and family. The favourite song for all the children and Bob was ‘If you’re Happy and You Know it’. It was a truly joyful evening sitting in the dark surrounded by family. As Bob left he said “I have never felt so loved or had so much fun”. Simple pleasures that shared in Christ’s love bring so much hope.
Update: Bob has now moved on and has his own life making shoes independently of AWU
