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Out of my comfort zone - Caroline Oldroyd

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

Visiting Uganda with Amaha We Uganda in 2016 was an exciting but nonetheless “out of my comfort zone” experience. I wanted to meet the people and see what went on there but how would I cope with the living conditions?

Well the answer is that I did cope and I was so glad I went. The word that describes the people living in Custom and Kasese was “joy” and this despite their poverty. It was a huge privilege to meet them, share with them and especially to worship with them and preach at their church services. We in the affluent west have so much to learn from these people.

One of the memorable times, and there were many, was helping to facilitate the women’s groups who met at 3 special women’s conferences that the AWU team had organised. To hear about the women’s challenges to running a small business and suggestions for how we can help them better was truly humbling. And how beautiful and immaculate the women looked. They put us to shame.

Now I have returned to the UK I am so thankful for the basics we have here like flush toilets but I am also determined to do what I can to improve the lives of the people in Uganda. It is wonderful that we have our faithful team on the ground in Kasese and we at home are able to support them in prayer and financial ways.

The 2 way blessing is very evident, praise God!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”. Romans 15 v 13. The verse God gave me to take to Uganda.


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