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The mission trip was a huge success. Building and maintaining relationships is key to the success of our projects. It is through our relationships with our Ugandan team and the relationships they build with the people they work with that people come to trust and believe that change can happen.

The programme was full and busy: we met with our team at Nabugabo retreat centre to prepare for the days ahead, facilitated a conference for the leaders and secretaries of the women's groups, met with the archdeacons of The South Rwenzori for a half day conference, climbed a steep prayer mountain with hundreds of women and clergy, met in fellowship with our street boys, split up to attend different churches and saw some of the tree nurseries ready for this season's planting as well as seeing trees that had been planted out and were doing well. Tree planting is so important to reforest the slopes of the Rwenzori.

You can help all of our projects by donating below and choosing from the PayPal drop down menu the project you would like your money to go to.

To find out the latest about each project click on one of the photographs below.

Tree Nurseries


Street Boys

street boys soap.jpg

Women's Groups

last day conference.jpg

A Grace Ministry

students grace ministry picture.png


The donate link will take you to the AWU PayPal page. 

On the Pay Pal page there is a drop down menu which allows you to attach your donation to your preference. 

The choices are: Women's revolving loan pot, Trees, General Funds, a Grace Ministry, or Street Boys. 

Please ensure you click on your preferred option to ensure your money is ringfenced accordingly.

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